Monday, April 2, 2012

Adjust Your Attitude April: Even Gardens Grow From Fertilizer

Well it's officially April. Time seems to drag by quickly when you are out trying to make things happen.

Anyway, welcome to Adjust Your Attitude April! This is by far the most difficult month yet because sometimes (meaning most of the time) it is just easier to complain.

Life is hard. That's something you can take to the bank even when you're so broke that you are turning a piece of sprouted bread and hummus into a deluxe gourmet dinner. Even Jesus told us that:  "In this world you will have trouble..."  John 16:33

Shoot. I'm not a huge fan of trouble. It's just so...troublesome. 

But then Jesus goes on to say in that same verse "But take heart, because I have overcome the world."  Sometimes I like to insert my own trouble into that verse. For example "In this world you will have car trouble" or "In this world you will have money trouble" or "In this world you will have people trouble, hair trouble, body trouble, work trouble, food trouble, kid trouble, and [insert your own trouble here] trouble. But TAKE HEART because I have overcome the world."

It's almost like Jesus is aknowledging and validating our struggles as human beings, then laying down the trump card of what he did for us, compelling us to "take heart". Like He's saying "Yes life is hard, but look what I did for you so trust me and don't complain."

In comparison to Jesus' sacrifice, all of our problems look small.

Now, obviously, all troubles are not created equal. A stubbed toe is not equal to a lost job. A car accident is not equal to the frustration of a green light when you are not finished with your text. But all troubles happen under God's watchful eye. A year ago, this idea was frustrating to me. I battled with why God would allow such pain and trouble in the world. Wouldn't it be  much more pleasant and easy if troubles melted like lemon drops like they do over the rainbow? This year I see it much differently. 

Each moment, subject, event, and circumstance in our lives are like individual puzzle pieces. When a trouble comes along that doesn't seem to fit, all we can see is the jagged edges and confusing crevices. But God has the box for the puzzle of what our lives are meant to look like and who we are meant to be. Each piece is purposefully allowed so that, in the end, we will be a pieced-together  beautiful picture instead of a bunch of broken pieces. 

Take Heart.

Since the world has been overcome and our troubles are meant to shape us, why does it still seem so difficult to take heart? I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure it boils down to one key thing: 

We believe that, in order to adjust our attitude, we have to really FEEL it. I have seen a lot of Christian literature that makes it seem like "God loves you so you need to be happy about everything that happens". This is just plain ridiculous. Losing a job is not a happy thing (unless you work at Starbucks and are the world's worst barista, but that's another story). Losing a loved one is not a happy thing. Sickness, death, pain and suffering are not happy things. Even less critical things can be hard: School loans, kids, doctors, rent, taxes, family, trying to be vegan for lent..whatever! Whatever trouble you inserted into John 16:33 is something that I am sure you are not feeling super jazzed about. 

However, adjusting your attitude is not about feeling happy about your struggles, but it's about not allowing them to dictate your actions or define your life. It's about realizing that not all things are good, but that the One who is allowing those things to happen is always good and will be using all of that tough stuff for the good of those that love him.  Romans 8:28.

I mean, if you think about it, the most beautiful gardens in the world are grown out of the most potent fertilizer. And, to keep them beautiful, the gardeners have to re-sprinkle some poo every once in a while. 

So the challenge this month is to take your troubles in stride. To put them in perspective and keep them in their proper place rather than let them leech out into your everyday life. It is an active choice that takes some work, but side effects may include:  a changed perspective, a more grateful heart, less complaining, more friends (because who really likes to hang out with a complainer?), and less internal stress. If a relaxed state of being persists for longer than 4 hours, contact your local cynic immediately.

Good luck and Godspeed as you endeavor to Adjust Your Attitude this April!

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is.... THAT IS SO GREAT, RACHAEL!!!!!!!!
