So we've come to the end of Face Your Fears February (although the sentiment will last throughout the Year of Dreams).
FDR told us that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". My first reaction to that is always, "Okay, he obviously hasn't seen Jaws. Or Zombies. Or been on a roller coaster where you are flooded with the impending doom of falling of and being maimed for life".
However, he goes on to define fear as "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
Touche`, FDR. Touche`.
This month was about converting retreats to advances.
For years I did not attempt to run because I was scared that I was too slow, too out of shape or would fail if I set any goals. I retreated from solidly committing to ANYTHING, always leaving myself an out in case I needed to retreat. I am now up to 3.2 miles and am signed up for a 10K in May.
I am also almost ridiculously committing to go all the way through Lent without consuming any animal products. Even to the point of going with my family to Mill Creek Cattle Co. on "Meaty Saturday" and asking if they have Vegan options while the head of a steer is on the wall behind me (true story).
For my whole life I was scared of love. I rarely said it, showed it or expressed it. It was too scary, too risky, and I could get hurt. Almost as if letting someone know you care about them gives them an insight of knowledge if they want to hurt you. I guess that's part of what FDR meant by "unjustified terror". This month I have actively expressed my love for people and even wrote a letter to my future husband on Valentine's day. I have discovered that A) Loving people, although it can be scary, is so worth it. B) We are commanded to love people and so it makes sense that when we do, we are blessed- like we are working with and not against the system and, finally, C) Buddy the Elf is a good role model for loving people:
As the month ends, think about what "unjustified terrors" might be paralyzing your efforts to turn your retreats into advances. If God has got your back (which a quick glance at Hebrews 13:5 shows you that He does), then your fears are absolutely unjustified in rendering you to inaction. This is only one of the reasons why you should kick them right in the face!
Although Face Your Fears February is ending, be encouraged in knowing that Facing Your Fears with God at your side reaps rewards you never even thought of.
And, most of the time, you realize that whatever you fear is not the great and powerful wizard that you thought it was, but a little balding man behind a green curtain trying to make you look powerless.
"I could totally take that guy!"
I think FDR was on to something.
Stay tuned for Make it Happen March!!